Report on The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation’s innovation efforts – with special focus on the interaction between knowledge institutions and the business community


Report no. 14/2005

The report deals with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation’s efforts to strengthen the interaction between knowledge institutions and the business community, the purpose of which is to promote innovation in Denmark. The examination encompasses the Ministry’s innovation promotion initiatives to which appropriations are attached.

The government’s objective is for Denmark to rank among the world’s most innovative societies by 2010. However, a comparison made in 2003 of the innovation ability of the OECD countries shows that in 4 out of 5 areas, Denmark ranks among the poorest half in terms of interaction between knowledge institutions and the business community.

The NAOD’s report first examines whether the Ministry of Science has provided an appropriate basis for its innovation effort. Then, on the basis of six innovation promotion initiatives, the NAOD examines the extent to which the Ministry of Science has targeted these initiatives at strengthening the interaction between the knowledge institutions and the business community and the extent to which the Ministry has followed up on whether the initiatives have contributed to solving the interaction problems.