Report on the DRG system


Report no. 11/2010

The DRG system provides the basis for calculating the tariffs that are used in the financial management of the public hospitals in Denmark. The tariffs represent the national average costs for treatment and care of patients at public hospitals.

The objective of the report is to assess whether the ministry and the regions are ensuring the quality of the data that are providing the basis for calculating the tariffs.

The report answers the following questions:

  • How is the DRG system organised, and what is it used for by the Ministry of Interior and Health and the regions?
  • Are the Ministry of Interior and Health and the regions ensuring the quality of the data registered by public hospitals and departments concerning the patients' diseases and treatments?
  • Are the Ministry of Interior and Health and the regions ensuring the quality of the accounts that show the allocation of costs to the departments providing services and treatments to the patients (the activity-based accounts)?

Rigsrevisionen took the initiative to perform the audit in August 2010.