Report on the audit of the Danish government's administration in 2018


Report no. 21/2018

Rigsrevisionen's audit disclosed a number of regulatory breaches and weaknesses in the administration. These findings led to three critical remarks about the Ministry of Taxation's administration:

  • The ministry's administration of debt collection has been affected by extensive data problems and limited system support. In 2018, public arrears increased to DKK 118.2 billion.
  • The ministry has failed to charge interest to a number of claims, which has resulted in a loss to the state of minimum DKK 400 million.
  • The ministry has not instructed the police to impound the number plates of vehicles whose owners have failed to weight tax or green vehicle tax when due.

We have not made any critical remarks about any of the other ministerial remits, but the audit has disclosed a number of issues that deserve the attention of the Danish Public Account Committee:

  • Government bodies and public enterprises that have made incorrect salary payments or failed to comply with regulations concerning working hours. The audit disclosed statutory breaches of lesser or greater severity in 14 ministerial remits.
  • Inadequate administration of subsidies entailing a risk that funding is not used for the purposes intended.
  • Serious shortcomings in IT security at the Danish National Police, the Danish National Health Data Authority and Banedanmark (public enterprise with responsibility for the maintenance of the Danish railways) increase the risk of data breaches and system failures that  may affect the delivery of public services.

The report is based on our audit of the government's administration in 2018, which included examination of the extent to which the ministries' administration of specific, well-defined areas of responsibility supported the ministries in their efforts to comply with current regulations and take into account due economic considerations.

We have examined whether the ministries' administration of selected areas of responsibility is in compliance with the regulations and terms laid down by the Folketing. The purpose of the report is therefore to assist the Public Accounts Committee and the Folketing in their supervision of the ministries. 

Read the introduction and conclusion (PDF)