Report on web accessibility provided by the public sector


Report no. 12/2023

The report concerns the accessibility of websites provided by the Danish government and regions and whether all citizens, irrespective of disabilities, have equal access to public websites.  

The purpose of the report is to assess whether the ministries and the regions have ensured that their websites are accessible to citizens with a disability, and whether the Agency for Digital Government has monitored the ministries and regions’ compliance with the Web Accessibility Act in a satisfactory manner. 

It is Rigsrevisionen’s assessment that the ministries and the regions have not fully ensured that their websites are accessible to citizens with a disability. This is considered unsatisfactory by Rigsrevisionen. Furthermore, the Agency for Digital Government’s monitoring of compliance with the Web Accessibility Act has not been entirely satisfactory, and citizens with a disability have therefore not had the same opportunities as other citizens to use or access important information on public sector websites.

Read the introduction and conclusion (PDF)