Report on adults' access to psychiatric treatment


Report no. 9/2009

The report is about adults' access to psychiatric treatment and it addresses ambulatory treatment as well as hospitalization. The report is also addressing the Regions' planning and initiatives taken in the psychiatric area.

Rigsrevisionen has looked into waiting times and overcrowding in the psychiatric wards in the Regions to shed light on adults' access to psychiatric treatment. It is the responsibility of the Regions to ensure that patients are offered the necessary and relevant psychiatric treatment. It is also the Regions' responsibility to ensure that the citizens have access to treatment by General Practitioners and medical specialist.

The examination concerns the period from the establishment of the Regions on 1 January 2007 to the end of 2009, and was launched at the initiative of Rigsrevisionen in January 2009.

Read the 1st chapter of the report (PDF)